I recently worked on a website where they were required to show a splash page with a disclaimer on the home page.  I searched the internet for a way to do this without moving my home page.  Many of the suggestions were to rename the home page, and make the splash page “index.html” so it would appear first.  From an SEO standpoint I think this really hurts the value of your home page content.
I would like to think what I decided to do is more SEO friendly than the alternative.  If you have other ideas please comment.  I made an absolutely positioned DIV over top of the home page that disappears using javascript when clicked.

<div id=”imgDIV” style=”position:absolute; width:976px; height:775px; z-index:100;”>
<input type=”button” onClick=”document.getElementById(‘imgDIV’).style.display=’none'” value=”Enter” style=”position:absolute; margin-top:540px; margin-left:465px;” />
<img src=”images/splash.jpg” alt=”Splash Image”>

You can include whatever HTML you need to in the DIV.

Posted In: Marketing, Web Design

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