Instead of manually typing a search into a search engine and seeing where your website ranks, there are free tools that will automatically gather this information. The best tool we have found requires that you use the browser Firefox.  You can download this browser for free if you do not have it already.  Once you have Firefox open download the Rank Checker Plugin from  After installing the plugin we recommend that you change the setting by going to your “tools” menu in FireFox and go to RankChecker->Options and set the delay between queries to 10 seconds.  If Google sees a whole bunch of searches coming from one computer in rapid succession they will recognize it as automated block your computer.
Open Rank checker by clicking on the icon in the bottom right of your Firefox window and select “Add Multiple Keywords”.  Type your domain name in the domain box, and paste in your keyword list from your keyword research sheet.  It will take some time to run the report but once completed you can export the results to a CSV you can open in Excel.  With a little work in excel you can create a keyword rankings report like the one below.
Voonder Rankings Report
What do you do with this data?  Look for rankings between 10 and 30 and try to improve them by linking to these pages or increasing the number of times you use the keyword on the page.

Posted In: Marketing, PPC

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