A screenshot showing a Microsoft Ads campaigns spending
26 Jun 2024

How To Reduce Audience Ads Spend In Microsoft/Bing Ads

Over the last decade, Microsoft Ads has become an increasingly viable choice for digital marketers, achieving some of its highest…

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Traffic and Conversions grow over 5 years for Fuel Delivery Company
9 May 2024

Guide to SEO & Google Ads for Manufacturers and Industrial Companies

SEO & PPC Tips for Industrial Companies Search engine marketing can be a great source of leads for manufacturers and…

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Woman disappointed with gift
3 Aug 2020

All About Google’s COVID-19 Ad Credits

By now you may have heard that due to COVID-19, Google has granted $340 million in ad credits to a…

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Market customer segmentation
22 Nov 2019

The Cheesesteak-Mojito Debate

Your Paid Ads May Be More Effective Than You Think In digital marketing, attribution models are used to assess different…

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6 Sep 2017

Do You Want to Know Where Your Phone Leads Come From?

Easily track the source of your phone leads with CallRail. Even when you ask your new lead, “how did you…

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21 Dec 2016

Should I Be Advertising on Facebook?

You’ve been successfully targeting customers organically and through AdWords for years, but could it be time to jump into Facebook ads, like…

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25 Mar 2016

Google Removed Right Hand Side Ads

Have you noticed anything different about the Google search results page recently? Take a look at this results page from…

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20 Aug 2015

Why SEO, PPC, and Social Are Not Enough

If you are familiar with Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, then you’ve probably seen the pyramid that defines different levels of…

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New Website
29 Dec 2014

Small Business Marketing Resolutions of 2015

We do it every year. We make promises to ourselves and come up with endless To Do lists, which seem…

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Remarketing Info
24 Nov 2014

Get More from Your Website Traffic with Remarketing on Facebook and Google

Have you ever noticed that once you look at a product on a website, from that moment on that product…

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Linkedin Logo
27 May 2014

Why the LinkedIn Ad Platform is Difficult to Use

After setting up LinkedIn ads for several clients we have some feedback for the LinkedIn Ad platform developers.  Here is…

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1 Sep 2012

Examples of Effective and Ineffective Facebook Ads

Writing Facebook ads is much different than other advertisements.  Advertisers are pushing the limits of what is relevant to their…

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