28 Dec 2015

Creating an Effective Landing Page

If you have a website but aren’t familiar with landing pages, you should be. Landing pages are pages separate from…

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12 Oct 2015

Website Copy Updates to Improve Your Conversion Rate

Imagine this scenario—a potential customer makes it your website. You offer everything they are looking for. Yet, once they arrive…

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20 Aug 2015

Why SEO, PPC, and Social Are Not Enough

If you are familiar with Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, then you’ve probably seen the pyramid that defines different levels of…

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Media Facebook Group
20 May 2015

Are You Keeping Your Ear to the Ground?

Word of mouth is often the best form of referrals for businesses, especially local ones. With more and more people…

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New Website
29 Dec 2014

Small Business Marketing Resolutions of 2015

We do it every year. We make promises to ourselves and come up with endless To Do lists, which seem…

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Remarketing Info
24 Nov 2014

Get More from Your Website Traffic with Remarketing on Facebook and Google

Have you ever noticed that once you look at a product on a website, from that moment on that product…

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20 Nov 2014

Social Media Tips to Make Holiday Marketing Merry & Bright

With the holidays just around the corner, it’s time to get your marketing campaign into gear. Likely, you’ve put some…

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Reviews web page
22 Oct 2014

Why Are Reviews So Important for Businesses, and How Can You Get More of Them?

In a survey conducted by Dimensional Research, 90 percent of respondents who recalled reading online reviews claimed that positive online reviews influenced…

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22 Aug 2014

The Ins and Outs of Google My Business

In the past two years, I have heard so many names to refer to Google business listings that I’m not…

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10 Jul 2014

What does a website cost? The 6 most important factors that go into pricing a website project

Your business needs a website, but you’re unsure of where to start. You want the site to be affordable, but…

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1 Jul 2014

Why starting a newsletter for your business can be difficult, and what you can do about it

Why newsletters are important When you share a post on Facebook, only a small percentage of those who like your…

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Linkedin Logo
27 May 2014

Why the LinkedIn Ad Platform is Difficult to Use

After setting up LinkedIn ads for several clients we have some feedback for the LinkedIn Ad platform developers.  Here is…

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